The Alpha Delta Kappa-Zeta Future Educator Scholarship is awarded to assist education majors in their final two semesters of coursework with tuition, room and board, and course materials. This scholarship was developed for students who display potential to be excellent educators.
2. Shall be a college/university student with at least a B academic average.
3. Shall be actively involved in professional organizations and/or volunteer activities.
4. Shall be pursuing an education degree from an accredited institution.
5. Shall be approaching his/her final semesters of coursework.
6. Has not received an Alpha Delta Kappa scholarship or grant within the past two years.
1. Completed application
2. Official copy of current transcripts
3. At least one letter of recommendation from a college/university instructor
The scholarship application packet must be postmarked or received electronically by March 1, 2025. The application can be submitted via email to adkscholar@gmail.com or via U.S. mail to:
At least one $500 scholarship will be awarded. The recipient/s will be notified by April 1, 2025. The scholarship is a one-time, non-renewable, and not retroactive award. The recipient/s must use the scholarship within one year of the award date. The scholarship award will be presented in person at one of the spring/summer A∆K-Z meetings.
For Scholarship Application Form, Click here.